Right Here In America
Fellow Americans, please give generously to the American Red Cross and Samaritan's Purse. These are the two best agencies at getting help to those that need it.
"The two sides publicly traded tit-for-tat pronouncements that culminated with a harshly worded Vatican statement saying the pope couldn't condemn every Palestinian suicide bombing because Israel would so often retaliate with illegal actions that would also have to be condemned."
"Senior Hamas commander Mohammed Deif, who masterminded the deaths of dozens of Israelis in suicide bombings, also urged the destruction of the Jewish state. It was the latest call for continued violence by Hamas officials as the group refocuses its armed struggle on the West Bank, where most of Israel's 246,000 settlers live."Lovely. Those darn Israelis finally pulled out of Gaza, so clearly, they have no right to exist.
"'We did not achieve the liberation of the Gaza Strip without this holy war and this steadfastness,' he said, adding that attacks should continue until Israel is eradicated."I'm starting to think my father is correct when he says that the Palestinian terrorist groups only understand force. When they are backed into a corner, they will relent and listen, but any diplomatic concession is interpreted as a "go for the jugular" moment. For years I argued with him on this point, but perhaps he was right all along.
"Any honest visitor to the Palestinian Authority is struck by the complete absence of any enthusiasm for nation-building -- compared with comparable pre-independence trips to, say, Slovenia, Slovakia, or East Timor. Invited to choose between nation-building or Jew-killing, the Palestinians prioritise Jew-killing -- every time."Why does this fact so often get overlooked?
"All male pheromones are not equally attractive, and some of the myths stem from an understandable confusion over their names. The male pheromone androstenone is not the same as androstenol. Androstenol is the scent produced by fresh male sweat, and is attractive to females. Androstenone is produced by male sweat after exposure to oxygen - i.e. when less fresh - and is perceived as highly unpleasant by females (except during ovulation, when their responses change from ‘negative’ to ‘neutral’)."
"I often come across people who've told me they played it at their wedding," the Edge said. "And I think, 'Have you listened to the lyrics? It's not that kind of a song.'"Quite! For those not familiar with the song, it appears to be about a couple with a legacy of marital problems, sung from the perspective of the one asking for forgiveness for an extramarital affair:
"Is it getting better / Or do you feel the same?An odd song to pick for your wedding, that's for certain.
Will it make it easier on you / Now you got someone to blame?"
"Did I ask too muchAnd then the final verses, about the struggle find common ground in the negotiation for peace:
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got
We're one
But we're not the same
We hurt each other
Then we do it again"
"I ask you to enter / But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on, to what you got
When all you got is hurt"
"What's a girl to do when faced with the choice between a powerful action man who has great DNA but is likely to love her and leave her, and a carpet-and-slippers kind of bloke who will hang around and bring up the kids but may not be Mr Right in the genes department? Well, ideally, she should fool the latter into bringing up the former's children."
- The Economist, "The Smell of Power"
"The upshot of the trial was that women did, indeed, find the odour of dominants sexier than that of wimps—but only in special circumstances. These circumstances were first that the woman was already in a relationship and second that she was in the most fertile phase of her cycle. In other words, dominant males' scent was only more attractive at the point where a woman could both conceive and cuckold her mate. Which, given previous studies that show dominant men are indeed more likely than others to leave a woman holding the baby, makes perfect sense."