What do you get when you combine a fiesty young vet student, sleeplessness, final exams, and a certain monthly visitor? A monster rant that still has me in stitches.
I Technoratied my blog to figure out whom to warn I changed the underscore in my URL and imagine my surprise, glad my misery was of use, always happy to oblige. :D I'll tell you this, you are one lazy blogger though!
Lazy, in that I do not write single-sentance paragraphs with thousands of words describing raw anxiety, angst, and feline frustrations? Guilty, I'd afraid. Your pain is always warmly enjoyed over here by your link-challenged friend. :)
I Technoratied my blog to figure out whom to warn I changed the underscore in my URL and imagine my surprise, glad my misery was of use, always happy to oblige. :D I'll tell you this, you are one lazy blogger though!
Lioness, at 2:15 PM
Lazy, in that I do not write single-sentance paragraphs with thousands of words describing raw anxiety, angst, and feline frustrations? Guilty, I'd afraid. Your pain is always warmly enjoyed over here by your link-challenged friend. :)
Nevermore, at 5:34 PM
Well, yes. I'll keep them coming then.
Lioness, at 2:03 AM
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